Monday, September 21, 2009

Job Hunting

Hi All,

I forgot how much I disliked Job Hunting (TM). It's never fun, especially when you have a limited budget and amount of time. I'm presently looking for anything in the Toronto region in my field, and since I'm looking for TESL and similar positions, it means I'm basically having to make massive mailing lists of schools, and send letters out. Never fun.

Oh well. It's better than nothing, and I am hopeful that I will get a job, shortly--after all, without one, it's not like we can keep living in Toronto, right?

This weekend was fun. We had two friends' birthday parties to attend, and it was good to see folks again after so long.

Unfortunately, we didn't get out to TIFF due to budget concerns. Hopefully, next year, right?

Other than that, busy day of job hunting for me today, and more to come. Wish me luck!


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